
Introducing Oori Buddies

Uche Ogbuji

angry oori buddy

We’re excited about AI’s possibilities in increasing human productivity and quality of life, but it hasn’t taken us long in our work to also realize that AI can bring a lot of flavor and entertainment to human interactions. We’ve had a lot of fun over the months with personality bots we created in our own, private servers and realized that if we take care for safety and other ethical considerations, and if we add unique features to set them apart from the many vanilla chatbots out there, we could bring this entertainment to a wider audience.

Bob on the brink of an existential crisis

Oori Buddies are ready for you to try out. You can now add these AI characters to your Discord servers to liven up the chat. Initial personalities include:

  • 🖋️ William Shakesbot: Transported by a time machine from sometime in the 17th century into our times, and always eager to wax poetic.
  • 🔧 Tasha: Tough, wisecracking spaceship mechanic with a long history of battling monsters on Earth, and then in space.
  • 💪 Kyle: Standing by to pump you up with some motivation and a little bit of flexing.
  • 🪖 Sgt. Crooke: Ready to whip your server into shape with some TOUGH LOVE.
  • 👴 Bob: You say he’s an AI bot but he absolutely, positively, unshakably insists that he is a real human being, for goodness sake! And hmmm…can you really, 100% be sure he’s not wrong 🧐?
  • ⟐ Oori Ambassador: Friendly helper agent, programmed to give you a hand with all your questions or concerns about Oori Buddies and closely related topics.
Kyle gives us a workout playlist

That’s not all, though! The Oori Buddies bot comes with a special Oori Pets feature, which allows you to adopt a pet for your server. Right now Luna Lizard is available, and more pets are on the way. Your oori Pet adds another entire dimension of interaction—you can feed the pet in order to level it up.

Oori Pets feeding Oori Pets main menu

We’ve done a lot of testing of Oori Buddies in limited communities, but this is still an early release. It’s currently free for all, but premium features are on their way. We’re excited to share this next chapter of interactive AI entertainment with you, and to see what you think! Head over to the Oori Buddies product site to learn how to get started, and to keep up with ongoing developments. Also join our discord server to chat with the community and get help with any issues you might have.

oori buddies animated logo

About the author

Uche Ogbuji (he/him)

Uche is an engineering leader with a background of nurturing diverse teams in tech innovation. Three decades of history as a consultant, founder & CTO. Expert & pioneer in data architecture, distributed systems, AI, open-source software and more. Also a writer, speaker and mentor.